The COSOL project is a three-year post-doctoral project supported by the CSF grant no.~14-14076.
- Title of the project: COSOL -- Categorization of Ontologies in Support of Ontology Life Cycle
- Start: 01-01-14
- End: 31-12-16
- Abstract: The project will develop new categorization of Semantic Web ontologies as formal conceptual models of problem domains and survey of
ontology tools based on their features. The ontology categorization will be based on ontology characteristics from logical, structural, naming or
annotation aspects of ontologies. Mapping of ontology categorization and ontology tools features will focus on support of ontology life cycle.
The project will provide two case studies which will manifest exploitation of the approach both on an ontology design from scratch and on
performing changes in existing ontology. The project will extend existing research, particularly ontology evaluation, ontology analysis and
ontology tool recommendation fields. Because of international character of research area - the Semantic Web - the project will be undertaken
in close contact with several workplaces abroad.
- Investigator: Ondrej Zamazal (University of Economics, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Department of Knowledge and Information Engineering
Author: Ondrej Zamazal (ondrej (dot) zamazal (at) vse (dot) cz)
Last-modified: 13-07-16, 04:01 pm CET