There are different ways how to make a request in Java. Considering Restlet framework:
// Prepare the data for the request String tp = ""; String ontology = ""; Representation entity = new StringRepresentation("tp="+tp+"&ontology+"ontology", MediaType.TEXT_XML); // Prepare the request ClientResource resource = new ClientResource(""); // Send the HTTP POST request; //Do what you want with a response, e.g.: resource.getResponseEntity().write(System.out);
Considering Java standard library, an HTTP client, the code snippet would be as follows:
// Prepare the data for the request NameValuePair[] data = { new NameValuePair("tp", ""), new NameValuePair("ontology", "") }; // Prepare the request HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); PostMethod post = new PostMethod(""); post.setRequestBody(data); // Execute the method. int statusCode = client.executeMethod(post); //Do what you want with a response, e.g.: InputStream in = post.getResponseBodyAsStream();