Ontology Matching Use Case

Ontology matching use case demonstrates how a transformation can make one ontology easier matcheable to another one, see in [5].

Consider we want to match the cmt ontology, http://nb.vse.cz/~svabo/oaei2009/data/cmt.owl to the ekaw ontology, http://nb.vse.cz/~svabo/oaei2009/data/ekaw.owl both belonging to the OntoFarm collection.

The cmt ontology will be transformed using the transformation pattern tp_hasSome2, which is based on the matching/detection pattern from [2], see Figure 4.

Figure: Instantiated tp_hasSome2 transformation pattern
Image tp_ex1

This pattern captures the situation when some concept from $O2$ is not explicit in $O1$ and should be expressed as restriction. The pattern, containing the NDP and NTP from Section 6, is serialized in XML, see at: http://nb.vse.cz/~svabo/patomat/tp/new/tp_hasSome2.xml.


ondrej 2013-05-10