Naming operations

Naming operations can be divided into passive ones, applied for checking purpose, and active ones, for naming a new entity. While both can be plugged into naming transformation patterns, only passive operations can be used in naming detection patterns.

Currently, the list of passive naming operations is as it follows:

Currently, the list of active naming operations is as it follows:

The list of implemented naming operations is being gradually extended as needed for supported transformation patterns. In Table 1, there are all so far considered naming operations regardless their availability in transformation patterns as such.

Table 1: Naming operations
naming operation output note
tokenize(entity) token[] implemented in PatOMat core
head_noun(class|individual) string implemented in PatOMat core
head_term(property) token implemented in PatOMat core
object_term(property) token implemented in PatOMat core
delimiter(entity) delimiters where delimiters::= "underscore"$\vert$"hyphen"$\vert$"camel_case" implemented within tokenize(entity)
make_delimiter_xxx(entity) where xxx stands for particular delimiter string implemented in PatOMat Ontology Transformation (OT)
singular(entity) boolean implemented within PatOMat NLP
plural(entity) boolean implemented within PatOMat NLP
pos(entity):part_of_speech part_of_speech implemented within PatOMat NLP
passive(verb) boolean implemented within PatOMat NLP
make_passive_verb(entity) token implemented in PatOMat OT
multipleTokenName(entity) boolean implemented in PatOMat core
hyperonym(token,token) boolean implemented in PatOMat core using WordNet
similar(token,token) boolean implemented in PatOMat core using Roget
verb_form(token) boolean implemented in PatOMat OT
complement_head_noun(token) token[] not implemented yet

ondrej 2013-05-10