Naming transformation patterns

A definition of naming transformation pattern (NTP) is as follows:

Definition 5   A naming transformation pattern is a set of pairs consisting of an entity and a naming operation, NTP $=\{(e_1,no_1),(e_2,no_2),\ldots,(e_n,no_n)\}$. All $no_i$ have as operands entities from the source ontology pattern of the pattern transformation to which NTP belongs, and constants. All $e_i$ are from the target ontology pattern of the pattern transformation to which NTP belongs.

An example of NTP with one compound operation is the following:

{( ?G, make_passive_verb(?C) + head_noun(?A))}

For instance, if ?A is bound with `PresentedPaper' (with `Paper' as head noun) and ?C with `Rejection' (with `Rejected' as passive verb form), the name of entity ?G in the transformed ontology will become `RejectedPaper'.

ondrej 2013-05-10